segunda-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2010


Passo horas à janela do prédio caiado de negro.
Finjo contemplar a "paisagem". Os pássaros caiem mortos pelo tédio de viver. Não há pior castigo.
As canetas secas pela falta de uso; destapadas.
(Não sei que diga mais.)

terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2010

O que me dizem, o que são, o que sou... Last Post

All Lies

If somebody asks me I will lie
I'm afraid of the truth
If somebody believes me, I'm safe
I'll cry in regret
My thoughts are deep-rooted in the durt
But my hands are clean
I'll shut up and look down to the ground
I'll tell myself all lies

Without smilling I'll scream
Without crying I'll forgive myself
Without yearning I'll waut
And I'm still hearing lies

And if I dream
I must regret
I must explain myself
And apologize
I've built a wall
And go undressed
I've built a wall
And got undressed

Without smilling I'll scream
Without crying I'll forgive myself
Without yearning I'll wait
And I'm still hearing lies

All, all lies, all, all lies