segunda-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2010


Passo horas à janela do prédio caiado de negro.
Finjo contemplar a "paisagem". Os pássaros caiem mortos pelo tédio de viver. Não há pior castigo.
As canetas secas pela falta de uso; destapadas.
(Não sei que diga mais.)

terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2010

O que me dizem, o que são, o que sou... Last Post

All Lies

If somebody asks me I will lie
I'm afraid of the truth
If somebody believes me, I'm safe
I'll cry in regret
My thoughts are deep-rooted in the durt
But my hands are clean
I'll shut up and look down to the ground
I'll tell myself all lies

Without smilling I'll scream
Without crying I'll forgive myself
Without yearning I'll waut
And I'm still hearing lies

And if I dream
I must regret
I must explain myself
And apologize
I've built a wall
And go undressed
I've built a wall
And got undressed

Without smilling I'll scream
Without crying I'll forgive myself
Without yearning I'll wait
And I'm still hearing lies

All, all lies, all, all lies

sexta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2010

Que saudades...

Oh Yeah, Fuck Yeah... Musica...

matei o desespero
sepultei-o ao lado da esperança
sentei-me com os olhos cansados
numa rocha ao inicio do mar
com um zumbido nos ouvidos
o fim dos tempos chegar

já acabava esta merda toda...


terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2010

Memórias de outros tempos. Tempos em que valia a pena...

The seventh time, love sickness and desillusion
This head that won't listen to me, now
There's crumb of a dark night
Burning in your mouth
'Till I wake you...

It's three steps too far, this slammed door
Your damned bed, this white head, beside you
And there is blood in the stairs
So keep it nice, I'm broken

Between skin and sheets, skin and sheets
I won't disturb you anymore
Between two lights, I woke you up
The seventh time, I won't disturb you anymore
I won't disturb you anymore

The seventh time, love sickness and desillusion
This head that won't listen to me, now
There's crumb of a dark night
Burning in your mouth
'Till I wake you...

Between skin and sheets, skin and sheets
I won't disturb you anymore
Between two lights, I woke you up
The seventh time, I won't disturb you anymore
I won't disturb you anymore

The seventh time, the seventh time
I won't disturb you anymore
I won't disturb you anymore
I won't disturb you anymore
I won't disturb you anymore

quarta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2010

A sujidade por todo o lado. Alastra...

I stand corrected
Guess it just wasn't meant to be
I know I'm maladjusted
Crushed what's inside of me
I know of no remedy
I know not how to cease
This feeling of hate in me
I just want to see you bleed
I know what I want
I want to stop seeing red
I know what I want
I just want to see you dead
I don't want your explanation
I really couldn't care less
I've got my own reminder
This scar across my breast
You are a faker any way
Ever up for a quick release
Infect everyone around you
Cover up your own disease
I know what I want
I want to stop seeing red
I know what I want
I just want to see you dead